Hi, I'm Gina

I'm so glad you're here.

A winding path has brought me to this place and space of being a woman who holds deeply to the truth that we are all creative beings worthy of being seen, heard, and loved. My mission is to create safe spaces for that to happen for women. 

I am also a writer exploring my own mind and this amazing world through journaling and fiction. 

It's been a long road to get here.

There's More to the Story

The Journey to Myself

Stumbling on the Path

“You aren’t writing, are you?”

My husband asked me this question on a morning when I was feeling—and acting—particularly grumpy.
What in the world was he talking about? My present attitude had nothing to do with writing. His words made me seethe. Why was he going out in left field instead of listening to me about . . . ? I don’t remember what.

The Lie and The Epiphany

My rage fizzled once I (reluctantly) recognized his insight. Truth be told, I hadn’t been writing for a long while. I’d been having an especially difficult few months (okay, years). My moods had been yo-yo’ing. The stress of my corporate job was draining me physically and affecting me mentally. So . . . no! I was not writing.

Not what I longed to write, anyway. You see, writing and editing were always considerable parts of every J.O.B. I’d had. But that writing wasn’t mine. With my work responsibilities and long hours, no time was left for my personal writing projects.

At least that’s the story I told myself. . . . until my husband stepped in and his wisdom helped me rewrite that unworkable plotline.

Leaning across our kitchen island that morning, I realized for the first time the direct connection my creativity and self-expression have to my wellbeing, to my wholeness. I nearly wept at the revelation. But still, I didn’t fully understand the magnitude of the message. Not yet.


Once I acknowledged the critical link between expressing myself authentically and my overall well-being, I became intensely curious about the attitudes and beliefs I held about personal expression. Writing had always been my chosen and most comfortable creative outlet, so I focused on that first.

I craved answers to difficult questions:

  • What was at the center of my drive to put words on a page, to tell stories?
  • Why did certain story ideas, themes, and characters persist . . . as if they were insisting to be written?
  • What was holding me back from speaking up and telling those stories?
  • What kept me from simply walking away from the stories that were bidding to be told? 

I committed myself to actively exploring the things I’d defined as my “challenges and frustrations” around putting words on the page, using my true voice, sharing my stories. I devoured books on writing and creativity. I cultivated a practice of stepping outside myself to examine my creative process objectively; I observed my attempts to be a writer while the rest of “life” whirled around me.

I checked in with my writing friends and colleagues too, to see how their journeys might be similar or different from mine. The ways writers act and react at each milestone in their creative processes fascinated me.

Changing Course

Those early explorations into the psychology of the writer’s mind were a hint about a future path--one I never imagined taking until a long, sleepless night when I admitted that the “security” of the corporate world was slowly killing me from the inside out. The next morning, I drastically altered my life’s direction, quit my high-stress job, and have never looked back. 

Committed to a creative life but still needing to feed myself, I turned my skills at deep and meticulous editing into a business supporting authors. Then I dove into two years of study to acquire certification as a Creativity Coach so I could coach and teach writers too. I began to host writing retreats for women, which continue to be some of the most rewarding aspects of my work and my life. While doing these things for my business, I also carved out time for my own writing projects and still do.

I never expected to get such a charge out of working with writers. I knew I’d enjoy it, yes. But to see the transformations and growth first-hand has been more gratifying than I ever imagined.

I've also witnessed writers' struggles firsthand.


Familiar Territory

Along with perfectionism and impostor syndrome (which is, in short, feeling like a fraud), one of the overwhelming challenges I’ve seen writers face is the fear of being “seen,” which carries with it possibilities of judgment, shaming, and even ridicule. The days when a writer can cuddle up in her lair and do nothing but write are long gone. Readers want to know the writers they read. So these issues—especially the fear of being seen—hold writers back in frustrating, crushing ways that extend far beyond their writing practices.

Reluctantly, I admit to suffering from them too. They’ve adversely affected me, both as a writer and a businesswoman.

But once I became aware of this, I did what I typically do when challenged: I kicked into learning and seeking mode. I sought something to move me beyond the safe confines of my desk, but more importantly, something that could take my self-expression to the next level in both my personal and my professional life while I continued to learn about and embrace my true, unique being.


Since self-worth, self-trust, and self-love are easily entangled with the challenges already noted here, there’s a far longer and messier story to be told about my journey to get where I am now. But just know that all the twists and turns on my trek eventually led me to the best decision of my life: to become trained as a Licensed WomanSpeak Circle Leader. As I claim and embrace my own unique voice and brilliance, both on the written page and IRL (in real life), I can now more fully support other women in doing the same.

Ah, yes. Richard Bach has it right: We teach best what we most need to learn.

Finding Our Way Home

I took some long excursions and detours down winding trails to discover my current path of uplifting women’s voices. I blaze it now with equal parts anxiety and courage, and a tad of knowledge and talent. I have a pack load of persistence and hope, and a boundless love for stories . . . and for the women who want and need to tell them.


Occasionally, I’m fortunate enough to appear as if I possess an accurate and trusty compass, pointing in The Right Direction. But just like everyone on this earth, I am still (and forever will be) finding my way: My Way.

And I’m humbled and grateful beyond measure when a woman invites me to assist her in finding Her Way.

This is a continuous, often cyclical, journey—one of mustering courage, trusting, recognizing my light, sharing stories, claiming my voice and my truth. These things I want for Everywoman, for I believe women standing in their power are the vital keys for making this troubled yet wonderful world a miraculous place.

Changing the World Together

We’re in this together. So let’s keep pushing our rough edges, stretching ourselves to grow, to own our truth, to recognize our brilliance, to make our voices heard—to find our way. And as we go, let’s grab the hands of the sisters beside us to help them rise too, for collectively, we are a powerful force. Together, let’s change the world.

I invite you to join me and other wise women in the Women Writing for CHANGE Facebook group, and/or at a future women’s writing retreat.

Women Writing for Change

Multi-genre community for women writers with a passion to bring about positive change

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My Writing

Explorations into historical fiction, family sagas, coming of age, and serialized fiction; musings on creativity, writing, and life.

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Writing Retreats

Structured and unstructured time to focus on your writing and YOU

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